Its been a while. Lama rasanye ta update blog. Almost 4 months. Lotsa things happen. Macam ta pecaya je. But believe it, ive been thru it. But nevermind, benda da lepas. Terasa malas plak na update. Biarlah. Heheh. Ekceli, lappy b ta ciap lagi. Still kat kedai. Dunno y. Asenye just file network je missing. Ntah ape yg lame sangat ntah. Humm.
Yang pasti b rindu sangat na blogging. Seriously. Update bout my life, my surrounding. In this four months, banyak benda yg buat b aware n learn about life. Sangat mess oke. Humm, tapi rase cam na update jugak la sket kat sini. Just the short one.. Hopefully. Hahahaha.
- Anem broke up with fais. I dunno wut to say. Humm. But now she wif Azman. 1 of our offcm8. ;p
- Coklat haf a new guy. Encik Pembuli 'Ara'. :D
- Diera bahagia wif Arif. Thanks to Allah SWT. :D
- Kak pua temui cinta bawu. Ouh Ouh. :D
- Goin to JB wif Anem, Kak Pua n Long. Had so muc FUN!
- HRA Retreat @ PD Kondo. Awesome!! :D Karaoke wif bos². Ahahahah.
- My date of birth, im not celebrating. Even with 1 slice of cake. Pathetic uhh? :
- Me n s8, go ups n down. Just becoz the Q "Bile na kawen?" :( C'mon la. Stress pk wooo...~
- The latest, im goin out wif Coklat. Since dia ada kt KL. :)
- Ouh,ive got pwezie from Coklat. So far away - from JAPAN.. hoyeh. Comel sgt! :D
Ahhh.. banyak lagi na update sebenarnye. Tapi da lupe.. Eheheh. ;p
So, till then..
Lala & Feerah
8 years ago