Hari² pk dan terus pk tentang diri sendiri. B ta penah ade empty space kat brain ni. Every minute n every second asek berpk je. Tido? Um.. Unsure. Mebi still on track kot. Sbb bile tido kan kite mimpi..dan bile bangun, sometimes b bley ingat mimpi² tu. That means, my brain keep on working even im sleeping. Hebat kan kejadian Allah SWT? :)
Sometimes i felt tired when i cant stop thinking. I tried my best to empty my mind even for 1 minute. I second? At least.. Just a dream la dear.. huhuh. Currently, ade banyak benda yg oways berlegar diminda. Banyak. Seriously.. Antaranya :
1) Bile b na kawen ae? - ramai da tanye nih. ape yg pasti, kalau bole b pon na cepat. Im 25 tho dia yr. Duhhhh...
2) Na ada umah sendiri. - if na wat loan umah kena keje 5 taun dulu (if wat ngn TNB) or twos kat bank.
3) Na wat passport. Ta wat² lagi ni. Asek tangguh je. :(
4) Lesen pon. Duhhhhh!! Gawat nihhhhh...
5) Bile na kuwus balek? Da gain weight sangat² ni. Naek 10 kilo dari berat ideal. Mencik mencik!!!!!! :(
6) B na jadi budak yang celik minda. - if ta cerdik sangat pon, at least tau 70% dari highest IQ People. hahahah
Well, talk about BEAUTY.. Heh, lately im so closed with my tiny digicam. My NIKON S200 n my camera from my hp. Hehehe. Photogenic? Humm. Ok la. I might not be pretty, but i know im cute. I should admit dat. Credit for my PARENTS and thank you to Allah SWT for creating this little cute girl. Which is i am :) Its common thing la. Heh. If ade yg kate im not pretty, yes i am. Tapi, b comel n sweet pe. hahaha. *Org len tanak puji, so b puji diri sendiri. We should always confidence with ourself. From what we wear to what we do. Just ignore the stinky flies. :)
*To all gurl out there, please LOVE yourself more than u love ur boyfriend. When they leave you (xde mintak), the percentage for you to start thinking about ur lack is high. No No.. Dont ever think that u are not good looking. Because, Allah SWT jadikan semua umat manusia bersebab dan sempurna sifat. Dont try to change urself by following other people. U should be yourself. U also need to create your own IDENTITY *jgn copy org len. And gurls, we're not seeking for guy who love us as someone that they like *it means, u've to change to be someone else (PRETENDER). We're seeking for a guy that willing to accept us as who we are. For me, im just looking n need someone that love me more than i love myself. *UNFAIR? Nope. Dont be selfish la. What u give u get back. *Circle of life.. So, if a guy love u more than urself, u should do the same thing, When... U GET MARRY WITH HIM. :D
Actually i've lots of thing to jot down here. But, not really confidence with my English Language. Hihihi. Somehow, i felt difficult to write in this blog by using English word. I think im not really good in it but i'm willing to try. Why not right? False is just a part of learning. I wish i can polish my grammar n learn more about English. Im not that bad huh? ;p So, dats all..
Take care n bye!
*Still dont even knoe what the heck im merepek in here.. ahahhahah ;p
Lala & Feerah
8 years ago
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